When Do We Grow Up?
Beautiful things I remember seeing as a girl, why can't I
see them anymore? - Natalie Oliveri

So, when do those goggles come off? When do we grow up? Under America's and the UK's law, we legally become an adult at 18. We can vote, we can drink alcohol (UK only), we can get a tattoo, and we can even adopt a child. A lot of people may feel like an adult at 18, a lot of people may not. Half of 18 year olds will spend all their time drinking and splashing away their money, so I don't think they are an adult. I think you're an adult when you take responsibility for yourself. This will probably be when you realise you've had that innocence taken away from you. So, when we grow up, what do we do? How should we behave?
Just because you're an adult with responsibilities, it doesn't mean you have to be an insipid douchebag. So many of us still have that childlike energy. It's the thing that keeps us happy and interesting. Don't ever ask yourself, 'am I too weird?' Or, 'am I too hyper for an adult?' (Well, don't be an obnoxious hyper adult)! Being weird is better than being normal and boring - don't grow up completely; the world is already filled with too many boring people.
Kimbra recently made a song with Mark Foster (from Foster The People, LOVE them), called Warrior. The song is similar to Childhood Dreams. Kimbra herself said: 'It's funny as you grow up, you start to lose your childlike sense of aura on the world - and the song is about fighting for that sense of wonder and maintaining that childlike perspective on the world. And not letting everyone explain everything away from you, so that it takes away the magic.'
I couldn't have said it better myself. Acknowledge your beautiful and vivacious personality, and embrace it. Be a warrior and don't forget your childhood dreams.